as i welcome the fourth... i have also chosen to welcome what i have been chasing for at least 6 months now.
i welcome you happiness, i welcome you inner strength, i welcome you confidence, i welcome you happiness...
i have been a very miserable puppy for a while, it stated with the break up of a friend, and dealing with the sadness. Then the addition of a new friend so quickly after, and dealing with the rollercoaster of emotions. Then the lack of space and privacy in my home, my most treasured location. Then i quit which was so emotionally draining it was insane... in other words i have be off, very off. I am so tired of feeling off, I welcome serenity with open arms...
I have also learned a lot about myself this last year. I learned that the world is waiting for me and i need to join it.. I have started exercising, but not completely- so, "just do it". I have started being a leader at work but with so many distractions i'm distracted- so, "just do it"...
I have started a beautiful relationship but with my mind in such a dirty funk, i can't seem to give out a solid team mate- so, shake out the mess and just do it.
What is happening is a trial life right now...I hate trial life- i want the real starting today before you get into your new place, have that woman ready. If something is in the path of your happy life, cut it down...rude or not. If something has held you back cut the you be what you want to be, be as strong as i know you are...
you have made me so happy a million times from the strength that you have always had. I see that you don't believe in that anymore- but it is there see- there it is. Now walk forward today, stop holding back...