Saturday, August 23, 2008

Is mo a bat in disguise?

First see the two pics... we always call Mo "mobat", cause we dressed him up for Halloween once and cause he looks like one~ now i have proof... is momo a bat?
It's been a week at the new job my brain hurts and I have spent too much time at factories dealing with the fact that I am a Midwesterner who is terrible at understanding another language... but it's good times, way more charts no design- but it frees me up to make clothes for myself!!! Yeah! The puppies are good and I promise I will post the pics from the last annual b-day party next!


Holly Jean said...

haha.. uncanny resemblance. :)

i used to have a black chi hua hua named Blackie... when I was a kid.

I have a pug now... but I sure do miss my little pocket pudgy Blackie.

:) All the pups are sooo adorable.

Just blog hoppping and I stumbled upon your page. Do pop by

Beverly said...

NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our lil MoMo is NOT a bat!!!!!!! Well maybe just a smiggen, but we can assure you he didnt come out of a bat at all...Not unless Bat's come with four feet, curly tails and really BIG attitudes........Better not let Blondy hear you talk about her Son like that...She can get pretty feisty at times.....Glad your coming to the 3rd annual birthday party..Hope Tim can make it too....HUGS and KISSES from ALL of us..............................Bev, Greg , Blondy and ALL the kids....


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