Sunday, October 24, 2010

Running Wilde

Today was my second time at my running meet up group...( oh and in case any one is following i am 226 days quit...) running has become not just a new lifestyle...but my new habit...over 7 months ago i choose to change my life. I had major ups and downs...but the fog is lifting i have found my new life. I was even talking to someone about it and being the fastest girl in the group i loved hearing myself talk about how i have succeed. No worries i will never be cocky...just very proud.

i love running, i want to hang out with people who love running, i want to talk about running, shop for running, analyze running- but that is only the addict in my head. truly i have chosen running as my new cigarette and i am the biggest puffer i know... ha i just called myself a puffer.

so anyway- anyone looking for success stories on quitting... i got one, it feels awesome and i hate smokers for the rest of things... look for topics....i have some ideas boiling....


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