Thursday, December 4, 2008

look a like contest

found a mugsie match
like mo the bat i found mugsie the goat
Copyright Fred Voetsch. Picture of a funny looking goat with its nose to the camera.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

A few more pics cause they deserve it!!!!!!!!!!!! And I leftout MOMO !!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

So I have finally uploaded the pics from the 2nd annual dog B-day party!!! Man it was a chihuahua celebration!
I have so many pics, but navigating blogger might be too much for me.
So it was June and the rain tried to keep us away but, a fantastic cake, a yard full of my kind of people, it was too much fun! Thank you Beverly, Greg and of course Blondy from Blondy's chihuahua's who started this craziness...
can't wait till next year.

Happy b-day to everyone especially my babies MoMo and Mugsie!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Is mo a bat in disguise?

First see the two pics... we always call Mo "mobat", cause we dressed him up for Halloween once and cause he looks like one~ now i have proof... is momo a bat?
It's been a week at the new job my brain hurts and I have spent too much time at factories dealing with the fact that I am a Midwesterner who is terrible at understanding another language... but it's good times, way more charts no design- but it frees me up to make clothes for myself!!! Yeah! The puppies are good and I promise I will post the pics from the last annual b-day party next!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

I am going to sit here and think about mommy... she's working on a new season and can't come play in our backyard...
It will be a pretty collection but our new backyard is so pretty and fun, and summer is almost here! I hope she gets me a pool... snicker.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Long time

We've moved life is gong well!  The grass is growing, I am growing... but you know what suxs... three years in New York and I have zero friend, pathetic huh?


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